The Centre for Solution Focused Practice


Always there.

Evan George thinks about the key question 'how can brief therapy lead to sustainable change?'.

How do we define Solution Focus?

The question ‘how do we define Solution Focus’, what is in and what is out, what can you do and what can't you do, perhaps what must you do, continues to be of interest. Evan George tries to respond.

How does Solution Focus deal with problems?

Therapy has been pre-dominantly problem-focused so when a solution focused approach is developed people inevitably worry - 'what happens to the problem?' they ask. Evan George attempts to respond to this understandable concern.


Steve de Shazer published 'Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy' way back in 1985 and yet for some of us this is the most significant of his books. Evan George explores some of the key ideas that he finds in this wonderful contribution to our work and approach.

Why ‘brief’ therapy?

Why do people talk about 'brief' therapy as if it is some sort of aberration from 'normal' therapy? In terms of number of sessions brief is the norm. Evan George, tongue firmly in cheek, explores 10 rules for the construction of long-term clients.

On the sharing of personal stories

Doing a shared session with our friend Elliott Connie on a recent trip to London leads Harvey Ratner to think again about self-disclosure in client work.


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What is SF - a 2020 version of the approach


July 9, 2020