The Centre for Solution Focused Practice


Never Mind Descartes

It is more than 350 years since the French philosopher, René Descartes, died yet he still has a colossal influence on how we think about the world and the way we live in it. His famous assertion, ‘I think therefore I am’ could be seen as the basis of cognitive behavioural therapy if translated into ‘you think therefore you do’. If this were true then all ‘talking cures’ would put reason at the heart of their method: change the thinking and the rest will follow. Sometimes this does work but often it doesn’t.

Only for geeks (or if older - anoraks).

Today’s piece is for those sad ones amongst us, and that includes all of us at BRIEF, who find Solution Focus really fascinating – and I mean really really fascinating. So read no further if you count yourself one of the world’s more balanced people.

At your best

The 'at your best' question has proved so fruitful for clients coming to BRIEF. Read more about it.

Using our manners

The way that we talk with clients reveals our often undisclosed assumptions about them and about the nature of our relationship.


We might think that we are in charge of the words that we use - but are we really . . . . ?

No more homework

Why does the language that we use when describing our work matter so much?


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What is SF - a 2020 version of the approach


July 9, 2020