The Centre for Solution Focused Practice

In Service Training

Since 1989 BRIEF has delivered over 6,000 days of agency-based training to organisations throughout the Public, Corporate and Voluntary sectors and now BRIEF is delivering online trainings, thereby allowing for social distancing, increasing efficiency and protecting the environment.

These trainings have ranged from one-day workshops to 12-day courses.

They have been delivered to a significant range of different professional groups including social workers, educational and clinical psychologists, teachers, psychiatrists and general practitioners, managers across the sectors, nurses, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, health visitors, educational social workers, housing workers, coaches and many many more.

Organisations come back to BRIEF over and over not only because of the quality of the training but because commissioners know that BRIEF trainings will incorporate all the new thinking in the approach and they can be confident of this because BRIEF has been at the cutting edge of shaping the developments of the approach over the past 15 years.

BRIEF has in the past delivered training courses in almost every city in the UK, right across Europe and as far away as Abu Dhabi, Lebanon, Australia, Thailand, Canada, USA, South Korea, Peru, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore. 

BRIEF Offers:

  • High quality effective training from Britain’s most experienced Solution Focused practitioners and trainers - BRIEF has been delivering since 1989.
  • Up-to-the-minute thinking about the approach – this is a constantly developing model.
  • Flexibility in the face of your service needs.
  • Experience of delivering training across a very wide range of settings, including health, mental health, education, probation, social care, children's services and the corporate sector.
  • Trainers in current practice.
  • Specialised trainers who only deliver training in the Solution Focused approach.
  • Fee-back guarantee if commissioner is for any reason dissatisfied. 

BRIEF Will Provide:

  • a quality manual in pdf format to support post-course practice,
  • email-based support following the course to aid effective integration,

Your Staff Will be:

  • Equipped with new skills
  • Confident in their use of those skills
  • More enthusiastic about their work
  • More appreciative of the service-users with whom they work
  • More appreciative of their colleagues. 

Contact BRIEF

You can email BRIEF at BRIEF info to explore your training needs and if you would like to arrange a time for a member of the BRIEF team to ring you back.



Where to put the emphasis?

Exploring the range of possibilities in the simple question 'How did you do that?', Evan George highlights some significant changes in the way that Solution Focused Therapy is conceptualised.

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July 9, 2020