The Centre for Solution Focused Practice

Insoo Kim Berg: bibliography

Publications: this list is taken from the website of the Brief Family Therapy Center (Milwaukee). Thank-you



Nunnally, E. & Berg, I.K., (1983). We tried to push the river. In Journal of Strategic & Systemic Therapies.


Berg, I.K. & Walter, J., (1984). Doing is knowing: Training model for systemic therapists. In Zietshcrift fur Systemische Therapie.


Berg, I. K., (1984). In memorium: Resistance. In Nov-Dec, Family Therapy News, publication of American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy


Berg, I. K., (1985). Helping referral sources to help. In Family Therapy Networker, June.


de Shazer, S. & Berg, I. K., (1985). A part is not apart: Working with only one of the partners present. In A. Gurman (ed), Casebook of Marital Therapy. New York: Guilford Press


Berg, I. K., (1986). Views across the Pacific. In Forum on Family Therapy, Family Therapy News, Sept-Oct.


Berg, I.K., (1988). Marital therapy with one spouse or both. In Nunnally, E. (Ed), Families in Trouble, vol 3. San Francisco: Sage Publication


Berg, I.K., (1988). Brief treatment of homeless alcoholic: A case. In Zeitschrift fur Systemische


Berg, I. K., (1990) Manual for Family Based Services, Milwaukee Dept. of Social Services, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Berg, I. K., (1990). Die Katze im Sack (Let the seller beware: consultation in the schools). In Systeme, Jg, 4, Heft 1/90


Berg, I..K.., & Gallagher, D., (1991). Solution-focused brief treatment with adolescent substance abusers. In Todd, T., & Selekman, M (ed), Family Therapy Approaches with Adolescent Substance Abusers. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon


Berg, I. K. & Hopwood, L., (1991). Doing with very little: Treatment of homeless substance abusers. In Journal of Independent Social Work


Berg, I..K. & Miller, S. D. (1992). Working with the problem drinker. New York: W. W. Norton.


de Shazer, S & Berg, I.K. (1992). Doing therapy: A post-structural re-vision. In Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, vol. 18, No. 18


Berg, I. K. & Miller, S.D., (1992). Working with Asian American client: One person at a time. In Families in Society, vol 73, no. 6


Berg, I. K. & Jaya, A., (1993). Different and same: Family therapy with Asian-American families. In Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, vol. 19, no. 1, 31-38


Berg, I. K. & de Shazer, S., (1993). Making numbers talk: Language in therapy. In Friedman, S.,(ed), The New Language of Change: Constructive Collaboration in Psychotherapy. New York: Guildford Press


Berg, I. K., (1994). Family Based Services: A solution-focused approach. New York: W.. W. Norton


Miller, Scott & Berg, I. K. Berg, (1995). Miracle Method: A radically new approach to problem drinking. New York: W. W. Norton


Berg, I. K. & DeJong, Peter, (1996). Solution-building conversations: Co-constructing a sense of competence with clients. In Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, June, 1996.


Berg, I. K. & Reuss, Norm, (1997). Solutions step-by-step: Substance abuse treatment manual. New York: W. W. Norton


DeJong, Peter & Berg, I. K., (1998). Interviewing for Solutions. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing


DeJong, Peter & Berg, I. K., (1998). Learner’s Workbook for Interviewing for Solutions. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole


DeJong, Peter & Berg, I. K., (1987). Instructor’s Resource Manual for Interviewing for Solutions. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole


Suberri, K. C. & Berg, I.K. (1997). Solution-focused therapy. In Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling, vol 3, lesson 12. New York: Heatherleigh Co.


Hoyt, Michael & Berg, I. K., (1998). Solution-focused couple therapy: Helping clients construct self-fulfilling realities. In Dattilio, F., (ed), Integrative Cases in Couples and Family Therapy: A Cognitive-Behavioral Perspectus. New York: Guilford Press


Berg, I.K. & Reuss, N. (1998). Solution-focused brief therapy: Treating substance abuse. In Mathews, W.J.. & Edgette, J.H. (Eds.), in Current Thinking and Research in Brief Therapy: Solutions, Strategies, Narratives, vol 2.. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis


Klar, H & Berg, I. K. (1999). Solution-focused brief therapy. In Lawson, D & Prevatt, F. (eds.), Casebook in family therapy. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole


Berg, I. K. & Kelly, Susan. (2000). Building solutions in child protective services. New York: W. W. Norton


Berg, I. K. & Dolan, Y. (2001). Tales of solutions: Hope inspiring stories from around the world. New York: W. W. Norton


DeJong, P. & Berg, I. K. (2001, 2e). Interviewing for solutions. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole..


DeJong, P. & Berg, I. K. (2001). Co-constructing cooperation with mandated clients. In Social Work, vol 46, #4, October.


Educational Resources - Videotapes


Berg, I. K., Irreconcilable differences: Solution-focused approach to couples therapy, (1995). New York: W. W. Norton


Berg, I. K., I'd hear laughter: Finding solutions for the family. (1995). New York: W. W. Norton


Berg, I. K. & DeJong, P. (1996). Over the hump: Part I: Solution-building with a multi-problem family. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K. & DeJong, P., (1996). Over the hump: Part II: The problem of success. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K.. & DeJong, P. (1996). I Love my kids: Getting her children home. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K. & de Shazer, S. (1997). No more lectures: Building solutions with a family in crisis: A consultation interview. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K. & Reuss, N., (1997). Solutions Step by Step Video: Brief treatment of substance abuse and misuse. New York: W. W. Norton.


Berg, I. K., Miller, G.; DeJong, P; Lutz, A. & Lutz, J (1998). “Talking solutions with “mandated” clients.” Milwaukee: BFTC Pres


DeJong, P. & Berg, I. K. (2001). Interviewing for solutions video. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.


Educational Resources - Audiotapes


Berg, I. K., (1993). Dying well. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K., (1994). It’s her fault: Treatment of domestic abuser. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K., & de Shazer, (1993). A Tap on the Shoulder: 6 useful questions in building solutions. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K., (1994). Back to the Future through the Past: Helping clients design their own solutions in sexual abuse. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K. & Jick, K., (1995). Making Home Visits: Part I: Setting a stage for success.. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Berg, I. K. & Jick, K., (1995). Making Home visits: Part II: Making a Difference. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Sebold, J & Uken, Adriana, & Berg, I. K. (1998). Treating violence offenders: Accountability for solutions. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Hansen, Cynthia & Berg, I. K. (2000). Making a difference with adolescents. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Steiner, Therese & Berg, I. K. (2001). Children's solutions work. Milwaukee: BFTC Press


Where to put the emphasis?

Exploring the range of possibilities in the simple question 'How did you do that?', Evan George highlights some significant changes in the way that Solution Focused Therapy is conceptualised.

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