The Centre for Solution Focused Practice

Steve de Shazer: bibliography

Professional Publications: this list of publications is borrowed from the Brief Family Center (Milwaukee) website. Thank-you.






Patterns of Brief Family Therapy. New York: Guilford.



Terapia Familiar Breve. (1986) Sao Paulo, Brazil: Summus.



Pautas de terapia familiar breve. (1989) Barcelona: Ediciones Paidos.



Muster familientherapeutischer Kurzzeit-Therapie. (1992) Paderborn: Junfermann.



Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy. New York: Norton.



Claves Para La Solucion En Terapia Breve. (1986) Buenos Aries: Editorial Paidos.



Claves Para La Solucion En Terapia Breve. (1991) Barcelona: Editorial Paidos.



Chiavi per la Soluzione in Terapia Breve. (1986) Roma: Astrolabio.



Wege der erfolgreichen Zurztherapie. (1989) Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.



Japanese translation 1992



Chinese translation 1992



de Shazer and Kral, R. (Eds.) Indirect Approaches in Therapy. Rockville: Aspen.



Clues: Investigating Solutions in Brief Therapy. New York: Norton.



Der Dreh: Uberraschende Wendungen und Losungen in der Kurzzeittherapie. (1989) Heidelberg: Carl Auer.



Claves eb psicoterapia breve: Una teoria de la solucion. (1992) Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa.



Cles et solutions en therapie breve. (1999) Brussels: Le Germe-Satas.



Putting Difference to Work. New York: Norton.



Das Spiel mit Unterschieden. (1992) Heidelberg: Carl Auer.



Sel med Skillnad. (1994). Stockholm:Mareld.



Différence: Changement et thérapie brève. (1996) Brussels: Le Germe-Satas.



Japanese translation, 1994.



Words Were Originally Magic. New York:Norton.



“Worte waren ursprünglich Zauber.” (1996) Dortmund: verlag modernes lernen.



Les mots etaient a l’origine magiques. (1999). Brussels: Le Germe-Satas.






On getting unstuck: Some change initiating tactics. Family Therapy, 1(1): 19-26.



Brief therapy: Two’s company. Family Process, 14: 79-93.



The confusion technique. Family Therapy, 2(1): 23-30.



The optimist-pessimist technique. Family Therapy, 4(2): 93-100.



Brief therapy with couples. International Journal of Family Therapy, 6: 17-30.



Brief hypnotherapy of two sexual dysfunctions: The crystal ball technique. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 20: 203-208.



On transforming symptoms: An approach to an Erickson procedure. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 22: 17-28.



Brief therapy with families. American Journal of Family Therapy, 7: 83-95.



Investigation of indirect symbolic suggestions. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 23: 10-15.



Brief family therapy: A metaphorical task. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 6: 471-476.



A brief study of informal conference behaviors. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 1: 54-61.



On useful metaphors. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 1: 54-61.



Uber Nutzliche Metaphern. (1983) Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie, 1: 21-30.



Some conceptual distinctions are more useful than others. Family Process, 21: 71-84.



Some bonuses of using a team approach to family therapy. In Wolberg, L. and Aronson, M. (Eds) Group and Family Therapy, 1982 — An Overview. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



The use of teams in family therapy. In Gurman, A. (Ed) Questions and Answers in the Practice of Family Therapy. Vol 2. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



Diagnosing = (Researching + Doing Therapy). In Keeney, B. (Ed) Diagnosis and Assessment in Family Therapy. Rockville: Aspen.



The death of resistance. Family Process, 23: 11-21.



Vastustuksen Kuolema. (1988) Perheterapia, 1: 35-39.



The imaginary pill technique. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 3: 30-34.



Fit. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 3: 34-37.



Ein Requiem der Macht. Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie, 4: 208-212.



A requiem for power. Contemporary Family Therapy, 10: 69-76.



Kurzfamilientherapie met der “Zauberer von Oz-Methode”, Familiendynamik, 11:343-350.



An indirect approach to brief therapy. In de Shazer, S. and Kral, R. (Eds) Indirect Approaches in Family Therapy. Rockville: Aspen.



Minimal elegance. Family Therapy Networker, 11(8): 57-60.



Therapie als System: Entwurf einer Theorie. In Reiter, L., Brunner, E. and Reiter-Theil, (Eds) Von Der Familientherapie Zur Systemischen Perspektive. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.



Utilization: The foundation of solutions. In Zeig, J. and Lankton, S. (Eds). Developing Ericksonian Therapy: The State of the Art. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



Holy and vulgar sound the same. AFTA Newsletter, 31: 42.



Once you have doubts, what have you got? A brief therapy approach to “difficult cases.” In Nunnally, E., Chilman, C. and Cox, F. (Eds) Mental Illness, Delinquency, Addictions, and Neglect: Families in Trouble Series, Vol 4. Newburg Park: Sage.



Wrong map, wrong territory. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 15: 117-121.



Resistance revisited. Contemporary Family Therapy, 11: 227-233.



Noch einmal: Widerstand. (1990) Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie, 8: 76-80.



Erickson’s systemic perspective. In Lankton, S. (Ed) The Broader Implications of Ericksonian Therapy. Ericksonian Monographs, 7. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



What is it about brief therapy that works? In Zeig, J. and Gilligan, S. (Eds) Brief Therapy: Myths, Methods, and Metaphors. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



Kreatives Missverstehen. Systeme. 4: 137-148.



Brief therapy. In Zeig, J. and Munion, W. (Eds) What is Psychotherapy?: Contemporary Perspectives. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.



Foreword. George, E., Iveson, C. and Ratner, H. Problem to Solution. London: BT Press.



Scheiss passiert. In Weber, G. and Simon, F. (Eds) Carl Auer: Geist oder Ghost. Heidelberg: Auer.



Shit Happens. (1991) Strange Encounters with Carl Auer. New York: Norton.



Here we go again: Maps, territories, interpretations, and the distinction between “the” and “a” or “an.” Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 17: 179-181.



Foreword. Dolan, Y. Resolving Sexual Abuse. New York: Norton.



Muddles revisited: Or, damn it all! Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 10: 110-111.



Muddles, bewilderment, and practice theory. Family Process, 30: 453-458.



What question is being asked? AFTA Newsletter, 47: 31-32.



Aus der Sprache gibt es kein Entrinnen. In Schweitzer, J., Retzer, A. and Fischer, H.R. (Eds) Systemische Praxis und Postmoderne. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.



Creative misunderstanding: There is no escape from language. In Gilligan, S. and Price, R. (Eds) Therapeutic Conversations. New York: Norton.



De Shazer & White: Vive la difference. In Gilligan, S. and Price, R. (Eds) Therapuetic Conversations. New York: Norton.



Commentary on J. H. Weakland’s “Conversations — but what kind?” In Gilligan, S. and Price, R. (Eds) Therapuetic Conversations. New York: Norton.



Essential, non-essential: Vive la Differance. In Zeig, J. (Ed) Ericksonian Methods. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



1996 Erfolgsgeschichten konstruieren. In Keller, T. and Greve, N. (Eds) Systemische Praxis in der Psychiatrie. Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.



Die Lösungsorientierte Kurztherapie. In Hesse, J. (Ed) Systemisch­lösungorientierte Zurztherapie. Göttingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht.



Some thoughts on language use in therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 19: 133-141.



Radical acceptance (comment on Giorlando & Schilling). Families, Systems, & Health, 15: 375-8.



Getting to the suface of the problem: The bricks and mortar of our constructions. In Brief Therapy: Lasting Impressions. Phoenix: Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.





de Shazer and Molnar, A. Rekursivitat: Die Praxis-Theorie Beziehung. Zeitschrift fur Systemische Therapie, 1(3): 2-10.



Four useful interventions in brief family therapy. (1984) Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 10: 297-304.



Nelja Kayttokelpoista Interventiota. (1988) Perheterapia, 1: 40-45.



de Shazer and Lipchik, E. Frames and reframing. In Coppersmith, E. (Ed) Families with a Handicapped Member. Rockville: Aspen.



Viitekehykset Ja Nilden Vaihtaminen. (1988) Perheterapia, 1: 50-54.



de Shazer and Molnar. Changing teams/changing families. Family Process, 23: 481-6.



Veranderende Teams/Veranderende Gezinnen. (1985) Psychotherapeutisch Paspoort, 1: 29-38.



de Shazer and Berg, I. K. A part is not apart: Working with only one of the partners present. In Gurman, A. (Ed) Casebook of Marital Therapy. New York: Guilford.



Osa Ei Ole Irrallinen: Pariterapiaa Vain Toista Osapuolta Paraamalla. (1988) Perheterapia, 1: 55-63.



de Shazer and Nunnally, E. The mysterious affair of paradoxes and loops. In Weeks, G. (Ed) Promoting Change Through Paradoxical Therapy. Homewood: Dow Jones-Irwin.



de Shazer, Berg, Lipchik, Nunnally, Molnar, Gingerich and Weiner-Davis. Brief therapy: focused solution development. Family Process, 25: 207-222.



Kurztherapie-Zielgeichtete Entwicklung von Lösungen. Familiendynamik, 11: 182-205.



Korttidsterapi: Malretter Undvikling af Losninger (1987) Fokus På Familien, 1: 25-41.



Japanese translation, 1987. Annual Progress of Family Psychology, 5:259-285.



Ratkaisukeskeinen Lyhytterapia. (1988) Perheterapia, 1:12-22.



Lipchik, E. and de Shazer. The purposeful interview. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 5: 88-99.



Tavoitteellinen Haastattelu. (1988) Perheterapia, 1: 27-34.



Nunnally, E., de Shazer, S., Lipchik, E., and Berg, I. K. A study of change: Therapeutic theory in process. In Efron, D. (Ed) Journeys: Expansion of the Strategic, Systemic Therapies. New York: Brunner/Mazel.



Molnar, A. and de Shazer. Solution-focused therapy: Toward the identification of therapeutic tasks. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 13: 349-358.



Terapia centrada en las soluciones: Hacia la identificacion de tareas terapeuticas. (1988) In Beyebach, M. and Rodrigues-Arias (Eds) Terapia Familiar Lecturas - 1. Publicaciones Universidad Pontificai De Salamanca.



Weiner-Davis, M., de Shazer, S. and Gingerich, W. Building on pretreatment change to construct the therapeutic solution: An exploratory study. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 13: 359-363.



Ongelman Ratkaisu Jan Muutokset Ennen Terapiaa. (1988) Perheterapia, 1: 23-26.



Desarrollo del cambio pretratamiento para construir la solucion therpeutica: Un estudio exploratorio. (1988) In Beyerbach, M. and Rodriguez-Arias (Eds) Terapia Familiar Lecturas - 1. Publicaciones Universidad Pontificai De Salamanca.



Gingerich, W., de Shazer and Weinter-Davis, M. Constructing change: A research view of interviewing. In Lipchik, E. (Ed) Interviewing. Rockville: Aspen.



de Shazer and Berg, I. K. Constructing solutions. Family Therapy Networker. September/October, 42-43.



Goodman, H., Gingerich, W. and de Shazer. Briefer: An expert system for clinical practice. Computers in Human Services, 5: 53-68.



Kral, R., Schaffer, J. and de Shazer. Adoptive families: More of the same and different. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 8: 36-49.



Familiares adoptivas: Lo mismo y algo dinstinto. (1991) Sistemas Familiares, 7: 49-63.



Miller, G. and de Shazer. Jenseits Beschwerden: Ein Entruf der Kurztherapie. In Steiner, L. and Ahlers, C. (Eds) Systemische Denken und Therapeutischer Prozess. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.



Gingerich, W. and de Shazer. The briefer project: Using expert systems as theory construction tools. Family Process, 30: 241-250.



de Shazer and Berg, I. K. Doing therapy: A post-structural re-vision. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 18: 71-81.



Haciendo terapia: Una revision post-estructural. Cuadernos De Terapia Familiar, 18: 17-30.



Haciendo terapia: Una revision post-estructural. Sistemas Familiares, 8: 21-32.



Berg, I. K. and de Shazer. Making numbers talk: Language in therapy. In Friedman, S. The New Language of Change. New York: Guilford.



Tallenes tale: Språket i terapien. Fokus på Familien, 21: 3-14.



Wie man Zahlen zum Sprechen bringt. Familiendynamik, 18: 145-62.



de Shazer and Hopwood, L. D’ici à là, vers onne sait oú: L’évolution contiue de la thérapie brève. In Elkaim, M. Panorma Des Thérapies Familiales. Paris: Éditions Du Seuil.



Miller, G. and de Shazer. Have you heard the latest rumor about ...? Solution-focused therapy as a rumor. Family Process, 37: 363-77.



Avez-vous entendu la derniere a propos de....? La thérapie brève centree sur les solutions en tant que rumeur. Thérapie familiale, 22: 289-308.



Miller, G. and de Shazer. Emotions in solution-focused therapy. Family Process, 39: 5-23.



de Shazer and Miller, G. La construction des émotions: Le langage des sentiments dans les thérapies brèves centrées sur la solution des problems. Thérapie familiale, 21: 233-53.



Las emocianes en la therapia centrad en solciones: Un reexamin. Sistemas Familiares, 16: 7-25.



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